Welcome to 'Forensic Book Reviews'

The volume of forensic texts available is phenomenal, but many are of poor quality, or are factually innacurate.

Forensic medicine and science are popular subjects, and many books 'capitalise' on this popularity by reproducing innacurate knowledge passed on from textbook to textbook.

Textbooks are expensive, and publishers should be able to demonstrate that their product represents something new, and even innovative, to give their customers value for money.

The trend of including a CDRom of the printed content as a 'freebie' is encouraging, but there is still a long way to go.

Online content - with hyperlinked references - could become the norm, with cross-referencing to useful websites and other resources.

This website aims to give un-biased reviews of forensic texts, particularly in the fields of forensic medicine, forensic pathology and forensic science.

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